Would you buy a hoody from these people?

21 03 2016

An interesting sales pitch…

No. not that kind of iconic university clothing

No, not that kind of clothing


Text of a letter received (with a “clothe” sample) in Vice-Chancellor’s Office. I have changed the name of the company to protect the innocent. They really do need to get someone to work on that translation into English.


Dear Vice-Chancellor

I’m the responsible of the relationship between my company and the Universities.

ABC, an Italian fashion company, would like realise a merchandising line for your university.

I have sent you one of our iconic clothe to explain you the high quality of our production.

The University world is always in our D.N.A. and I’d like to speak with the person who cares the merchandising of the University of Nottingham.

I hope to have an help from you and to create a link between two big excellences like ABC and University of Nottingham.

Thanks for your attention.

Thank you indeed.